Senin, 01 Februari 2010

Resveratrol Inhibit a Cancer-causing Compounds

The fruits of such purple Duwet, Jambul, grapes, plums, etc. but we know
also contains flavonoids and resveratrol containing these compounds,
especially there are many on the skin and seeds.

Publication of the Journal of Applied Texicology (2003) found resveratrol
also has the ability to inhibit benzinopren a cancer-causing compounds.

Like salicylic acid elagik and inhibit the function of resveratrol is
endotelin-1 (ET-1) are compounds which are known to cause heart disease.

Publication by the Journal of Agricultural of Food Chemistry (2006)
teryata resveratrol can meninkatkan blood flow to the brain up to 30%,
so it will also reduce stroke.

In addition to cancer mengambat resveratrol are also known to inhibit
the growth of tumor cells and is anti-inflammatory because inhibiting
the production of COX-2 (inflammation of the supporting factors)


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